5 Helpful Little Hacks on how to use your Etta Loves Muslins

Etta Loves make the most beautiful muslins, blankets and playmats that use science to support the development of our little ones vision, through scientifically scaled patterns. We share some amazing hacks directly from Etta Loves to help with day-to-day tasks promoting calm and intrigue from little ones.

Etta loves 3 piece drawing pack … from ettaloves.com | Blanket from thewhitecompany.com

Are car journeys not fun for you and little ones? My little one tends to love a snooze… but if yours doesn’t – Hang a sensory muslin over the backseat that baby faces for cooing car rides!

Do you have a tiny escapee at change time? Suspend one of these amazing prints (try the eye print drawn by Jen’s daughter Etta herself) in your baby’s eyeline for lots of staring and less squirming!

Need to encourage more tummy time? Lay a muslin across your chest whilst lying back. This will encourage little ones to lift their heads and practice on you! Move the muslin up to your shoulder during a feed to keep babies focused and awake whilst catching dribbles!

Finally… Are you longing for five minutes peace to enjoy your shower? Pop baby in a bouncer (or in your choice of seat or mat for when you shower) and hang your favourite Etta Loves muslin over the side of the bath or on a radiator (out of reach) for a lingering hot shower!

Buy this 3 piece drawing print set of muslins online now for just £27 online at Etta Loves

Did you know? Etta Loves have recently formed a partnership with the world renowned Sussex Baby Lab … Read more here!