Care for a cocktail…? Try British Cassis for your friday night top tipples

Love a cocktail? But also love blackcurrant? Then this White Heron Drinks British Cassis is for you… it comes with a little cocktail menu, and it’s perfect for a right royal knees up!

Grab yourself a bottle now, and work your way through their suggestions (responsibly please) plus take a peek at their cocktail suggestions online at 

To make the cocktail as shown… 

Pour 50ml (double shot) cider into a chilled champagne coupe [like these beauties from IWOOT ] then shake 50ml British cassis, 50ml pineapple juice and 25ml orange juice altogether, then add ice and shake until cold. Pour over cider – Voila!

It’s super tasty and frothy too! Garnish with blackcurrants on a skewer.

*Heads off to make another…*