Smoother wine, without the hangover…

Wine without the hangover… that’s Winning at life! So we tried out the Üllo Wine Purifier £69.99 to see whether it is worth the money and whether it makes the difference with taste and or the hangover… 🙂

Now I’m not the biggest on wine – but the in-laws know a good wine, so where better to test this modern, easy clean and easy use gadget? The Ullo Wine purifier also gives the option to aerate – Üllo is a revolutionary wine purifier that uses Selective Sulphite Capture™ technology to filter Sulphitesuls and sediments, bringing wine back to its natural state – [These are only needed for storage within wines and these can often make the wine more bitter].

Of course this needed a bottle or two to test it… and a good red was chosen to test, tasted before and after, we found the wine to taste smoother and almost lighter when used with the filters (One bottle filter)… making it an easier drink. – We didn’t drink enough to warrant a hangover (drink sensibly guys!!) 

The only thing i’d say is that we wish the filters were cheaper – at around £30 for 10… just because we get through a lot of wine at family do’s and with each filter for one bottle this could start totting up!

Buy yours now… online at