Pre holiday prep with Drop Away

P R E   H O L I D A Y   P R E P

Adios cellulite! With Drop Away #liporeduce – it’s an easy way to banish those bumps, and to slim, firm and sculpt your thighs!

Drop Away Lipo Reduce contains a combination of proven cellulite fighting ingredients which target early and stubborn cellulite deposits. They help to decrease the formation and storage of fat, break down fat deposits and activate microcirculation to get rid of broken down fats, waste and toxins. (The complex Boost-LP (developed from Pomotherapie®) intensifies the fat burning action of caffeine and produces a slimming and firming effect.)

They claim the following:- Up to 5cm loss around waist (average loss of 1.5cm)

Up to 2cm loss around thighs (average of 0.85cm)

*Average results of the efficacy study using brown algae complex, performed on 10 volunteers, after 21 days of twice daily application, or after 10 applications in a massage cabin.

We lost two inches on each thigh – which is good going in comparison tho the results shown!! – Maybe we should’ve focused on our waist instead…

Shop the Lipo reduce now, for £29.99 online, and all their other products at