Hello 2019… and hello new! Dive into Everhot kitchens for every home.

150 Marine Blue (FLAT) V1 (2), (HI RES)

2019 has made a call for house renovation, and a kick up the bum for us as we’ve had some exciting news over Christmas – and we need to be ready for another little person joining the family!

Kitchen may not be first on our priority but we’ve been looking at every option we have… and the cold bitter weather and the need to ever be a bit more energy friendly to assist with the bills had led us to look at the full range of Everhot cookers…

An Everhot is a cooker where the kettle’s always poised to make a fresh coffee, where cakes are evenly baked and where the family can warm their hands while you enjoy a glass of wine.  Providing the beating, warm heart of the kitchen, it will quietly provide a steady heat all-day while using less than half the energy of a comparable range cooker.

A good range cooker should last a lifetime. Instead of needing 35 amps of electricity – like its major rivals – an Everhot is designed to work on a ‘trickle feed’ of less than 13 amps. This means (quite apart from much lower energy bills) it is particularly well suited to running off solar panels and water turbines. (Which could also lead into our VERY future plans – but will keep the cooker relevant to our household forever)

Everhot say that their blue sky thinking means that its cookers are also easy to control and great to cook on and there is no need for servicing or any complicated flues or pipes – making it easy to take your Everhot with you when you move home too.

We spotted this gorgeous just launched NEW Marine Blue cooker (they offer 15 colour options so there really is an Everhot for every kitchen – see below) which would look fabulous in a new modern or even a country kitchen. The marine blue would look amazing in a sea/river side kitchen looking our onto the scenery.

Everhot cookers, fifteen colours are: Dusky Pink, Fern Green, Aubergine, Black, Blue, Burgundy, Cream, Dove Grey, Graphite, Green, Sage, White, Teal and the NEW Victoria and Marine Blues.

Everhot 150 (Marine Blue), from £10,275; Everhot 90 (Dusky Pink), from £6,575; Everhot 100+ (Aubergine), £7,695;; Everhot 110 (Teal), from £8,775

Buy yours now or find out more online at www.everhot.co.uk

Treat dad to a Ferrari…

Car crazy dad? Get him building his own Ferrari F12 from Meccano It’s a novice build set with a couple of challenging moments making his a fun activity for a rainy day!

Buy yours now – available now at Argos for £29.99